
Got offered a new job that pays much more but doesn’t have as good of hours. Any advice on how to ask for a raise at my current job?

So I interviewed for a new job at company B just to see what was out there because my current company (we’ll call company A) is giving scary vibes about closing down. Company A job is AMAZING, truly. The only thing that sucks is pay here. Company B would be a step down in overall quality of life: more stressful, work weekends and holidays and things I’m not really willing to do. The benefits are supposed to be fantastic and the pay would be more is the only thing. I want to use this job offer to leverage a raise to my current job but am worried they will either fire me or grant a raise just to fire me later. Has anyone actually have experience in doing this? Any advice?

So I interviewed for a new job at company B just to see what was out there because my current company (we’ll call company A) is giving scary vibes about closing down. Company A job is AMAZING, truly. The only thing that sucks is pay here.
Company B would be a step down in overall quality of life: more stressful, work weekends and holidays and things I’m not really willing to do. The benefits are supposed to be fantastic and the pay would be more is the only thing.

I want to use this job offer to leverage a raise to my current job but am worried they will either fire me or grant a raise just to fire me later. Has anyone actually have experience in doing this? Any advice?

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