
Work harder just to keep up with inflation

I worked hard all year, and on my performance review I got good feedback. So I allowed myself to request a pay raise (it's not approved yet…I wonder if I'll get it). Anyway, what if, I didn't work super hard. What if, I worked in a regular pace and not do overtime etc… then on my performance review, they would say I was average. Could I request a pay raise for being average??? I think not. But prices go up anyway. No wonder I feel more and more stressed to do my best all the time, I'm fucking exhausted. And this to only keep the same life style I currently have. And why do politicians raise their salary just for showing up at work? I'm really fucking tired of all this crap.

I worked hard all year, and on my performance review I got good feedback.
So I allowed myself to request a pay raise (it's not approved yet…I wonder if I'll get it).
Anyway, what if, I didn't work super hard. What if, I worked in a regular pace and not do overtime etc… then on my performance review, they would say I was average. Could I request a pay raise for being average??? I think not.

But prices go up anyway.

No wonder I feel more and more stressed to do my best all the time, I'm fucking exhausted.
And this to only keep the same life style I currently have.

And why do politicians raise their salary just for showing up at work?

I'm really fucking tired of all this crap.

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