
Left My Awful Job, and it’s so Weird to be Treated Well at the New One.

So I left my terrible almost 50hrs/week office job where I was miserable and had no life, and got a higher paying, fully remote job that's only 30hrs/week and I'm treated incredible well. It's insane the difference in my life, and even though there's some 15ish hours per week fewer at my new job, I work so much harder here because they treat me well; it's almost like if you take care of your employees, they take care of you! I know it's not perfect here, either, but so many little things make it worth it. Health insurance at my other job was almost $200/month. New place, it's $0.87 per month. Yes, less than a dollar. The moment I was hired on with this job, I got vacation days. No waiting period, nothing. My other job, I had to wait a YEAR to get vacation days. My other job had…

So I left my terrible almost 50hrs/week office job where I was miserable and had no life, and got a higher paying, fully remote job that's only 30hrs/week and I'm treated incredible well.

It's insane the difference in my life, and even though there's some 15ish hours per week fewer at my new job, I work so much harder here because they treat me well; it's almost like if you take care of your employees, they take care of you!

I know it's not perfect here, either, but so many little things make it worth it. Health insurance at my other job was almost $200/month. New place, it's $0.87 per month. Yes, less than a dollar. The moment I was hired on with this job, I got vacation days. No waiting period, nothing. My other job, I had to wait a YEAR to get vacation days. My other job had HUGE blame culture, it was always someone else's fault, and managers would email the entire staff with criticisms for ONE person (it was incredibly toxic). Here, mistakes are just accepted as shit that happens, and they move on. I've messed up so much and the worst I've gotten is “Okay, just be careful in the future.” that was it.

This motivates me to work harder AND own up to things when they go wrong, it's insane what treating your employees like humans does.

For further evidence of this company's good treatment, during the entirety of the Great Resignation, they lost less than 10 employees, in a 100 employee company. People didn't want to leave, it's a great job.

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