
Landlord Tried to Raise My Rent

Title says it. Had a notice on my door stating next month rent would increase just shy or 15%. Few years back we had a reasonable rent increase, but this in conjunction with the past increase was.a bit rich. For reference, this is a blue collar area, but we have also expernced multiple random firearm related incidents. Overall not an awful area, but the rent is affordable for a reason. Now, I like my unit and the landscaping is nice, but again, gun violence. So, I sent a message to my landlord acknowledging the increase and also requesting maintenance -that is previously documented by communications with the maintenance crew- be executed upon my rental unit. I was met back with an attempted guilt trip and veiled financial threat. My response: “I understand that, and I do not appreciate the veiled threats sir. I am simply asking if you, [], intend…


Title says it. Had a notice on my door stating next month rent would increase just shy or 15%. Few years back we had a reasonable rent increase, but this in conjunction with the past increase was.a bit rich. For reference, this is a blue collar area, but we have also expernced multiple random firearm related incidents. Overall not an awful area, but the rent is affordable for a reason.

Now, I like my unit and the landscaping is nice, but again, gun violence. So, I sent a message to my landlord acknowledging the increase and also requesting maintenance -that is previously documented by communications with the maintenance crew- be executed upon my rental unit. I was met back with an attempted guilt trip and veiled financial threat.

My response:

“I understand that, and I do not appreciate the veiled threats sir. I am simply asking if you, [], intend to make fixes to my unit, which have been ongoing. As a practicing [], I know what the law is and what is right between gentlemen. I have thus far given a large birth to [***] in respect to upkeep, because rent was so affordable. I'm not complaining about the increase, and never asked for justification. I pay for gas just like you do. However, I am once again asking, with the sizeable increase in rent can I anticipate the reasonable requests for basic maintenance be taken care of in a timely manner?”

[Redactions for privacy]

In response I received his private contact information, a promise (in writing) to make the mentioned repairs, and I will no longer be facing an increase to my rent.

I'm not saying this can happen for you. Hell, I was just trying to get some things fixed. This is beyond my expectations. My point is, speak to your landlords. Do so respectfully, but forcefully. You may not dodge a rent increase, but your landlord may also think twice before tangling with you.

As a point of fairness, my landlord does try to maintain his properties, and critical issues do get attended to within a reasonable time period. I actually like my rental unit and neighbors, but I also respect my own right to housing expectations in relation to my rent.

Best of luck everyone, I hope more of us can share happy moments. Never surrender your rights.

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