
You aren’t as subversive as you think you are and that’s ok

50% of what I see on here are people learning to be assertive with their employer. I hear a lot of concern and guilt, and as someone who has worked since I was 14, so 30 years, I want to encourage everyone to own the details of the trade of your time for money. That doesn’t mean being unkind, mean or unappreciative, it means being direct, firm and confident. My mom taught me to take no guff and my heart goes out to each and every one of you, we deserve dignity . I have been through hell torturing myself with guilt asking for the simplest thing. You don’t have to. Go get ‘em. Unionize. Ask for what you are worth. Team up. Edit for more impactful wording from feedback.

50% of what I see on here are people learning to be assertive with their employer. I hear a lot of concern and guilt, and as someone who has worked since I was 14, so 30 years, I want to encourage everyone to own the details of the trade of your time for money. That doesn’t mean being unkind, mean or unappreciative, it means being direct, firm and confident. My mom taught me to take no guff and my heart goes out to each and every one of you, we deserve dignity . I have been through hell torturing myself with guilt asking for the simplest thing. You don’t have to. Go get ‘em. Unionize. Ask for what you are worth. Team up.
Edit for more impactful wording from feedback.

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