
Change is going to take awhile

Daily Mail has an article about Ian Goodfellow, Apple's head of machine learning, who resigned over being told to come back to the office three days per week. I've been reading the comments and it's making me miserable to see how many people are calling him “whiny,” “lazy,” a “crybaby,” and so forth. “Your boss decides where you work–not you!” “You should feel lucky to HAVE a job!” I guess because THEY had to work in an office 40 hours a week, EVERYONE has to do it FOREVER. I don't even think it's an age thing. I'm a “tail-end” Boomer and I certainly get it, but most of these people are not even willing to admit their mindset shouldn't apply to everyone, all of the time, in every situation. At this point, I'll be retired before anything gives. What a world! Good luck to all.

Daily Mail has an article about Ian Goodfellow, Apple's head of machine learning, who resigned over being told to come back to the office three days per week.

I've been reading the comments and it's making me miserable to see how many people are calling him “whiny,” “lazy,” a “crybaby,” and so forth. “Your boss decides where you work–not you!” “You should feel lucky to HAVE a job!”

I guess because THEY had to work in an office 40 hours a week, EVERYONE has to do it FOREVER. I don't even think it's an age thing. I'm a “tail-end” Boomer and I certainly get it, but most of these people are not even willing to admit their mindset shouldn't apply to everyone, all of the time, in every situation. At this point, I'll be retired before anything gives. What a world! Good luck to all.

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