
I turned down paid government leave because of job loyalty and I immediately regret it.

I manage a retail store which is to say I run the place. If I left they would be pretty screwed. My boss doesn’t even know how to order stock and doesn’t know much about our product. My mom is also sick. She’s dying of stage four metastatic breast cancer which is in her bones. I went with her to her oncologist on Friday and he told me she only had 3 or 4 more months… he also said he would put in paper work to give me paid time off so I could look after her and spend the last few months she has with her. I turned it down. I asked if we could get a PSW or home care nurse instead. Like an idiot. I figured there was no way I could manage to swing it with work. We are already wayyy understaffed and there is no…

I manage a retail store which is to say I run the place. If I left they would be pretty screwed. My boss doesn’t even know how to order stock and doesn’t know much about our product.

My mom is also sick. She’s dying of stage four metastatic breast cancer which is in her bones. I went with her to her oncologist on Friday and he told me she only had 3 or 4 more months… he also said he would put in paper work to give me paid time off so I could look after her and spend the last few months she has with her.

I turned it down.

I asked if we could get a PSW or home care nurse instead.

Like an idiot.

I figured there was no way I could manage to swing it with work. We are already wayyy understaffed and there is no one capable of taking my position.

Then I come in to work the past two days. My boss has been a complete tyrant. His attitude has been terrible and he’s made me cry once.

I’m wondering why the fuck I turned down paid time off when I run the entire store basically solo and get no recognition but the second my boss gets slightly annoyed he jumps down my throat. I also just learned that I’m likely going to have to work 6 days a week now because our replacement for our weekend manager can’t work Saturday’s.

I’m currently trying to get pregnant so I thought I would just ride out this bull shit until I tell my boss he needs to find someone to cover me for Mat Leave, but I’m completely over it.

I don’t want this to be the rest of my life.

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