
I am sick and tired of people denying that going to a prestigious university gives you a massive advantage in the working world

I don't know why people keep perpetuating this myth. Maybe it is because toxic positivity and the idea that everyone is great and has a bright future has been normalized. Either way, it makes no sense why people think employers don't care about what college you went to. If you have two applicants, one who went to MIT and the other who went to a tiny college you never heard of, which one would you pick? You would be insane to not pick the one who went to MIT. Before you go and say the kid from the school no one has heard of may have better internships or projects, keep in mind that it is way easier to get those things at a prestigious school. It is also way easier to make connections at a prestigious schools when you aren't competing against tens of thousands of students like at…

I don't know why people keep perpetuating this myth. Maybe it is because toxic positivity and the idea that everyone is great and has a bright future has been normalized. Either way, it makes no sense why people think employers don't care about what college you went to.

If you have two applicants, one who went to MIT and the other who went to a tiny college you never heard of, which one would you pick? You would be insane to not pick the one who went to MIT.

Before you go and say the kid from the school no one has heard of may have better internships or projects, keep in mind that it is way easier to get those things at a prestigious school. It is also way easier to make connections at a prestigious schools when you aren't competing against tens of thousands of students like at a large state university.

Positive toxicity needs to die.

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