
rude for interviews employers not to respond after declining an offer?

So, I've been looking for my next work for quite a while. I've noticed two trends,which can be summarized by the last two interviews I had (a and b). In both cases, both companies were really excited to have me (in their words), that I'd be a perfect fit etc etc. In the end, I went for offer c. I emailed the associates who had interviewed me to let them know I was extrenely grateful, but I went for offer c in the end because it was most in line with my interests. I'm in research, so I said I'd love to keep in contact nonetheless regarding future collaborations. Company a's manager phoned me up, congratulated me and was genuinely happy for me. They even said it was the right choice and that they would like to collaborate in the future. Company b, went from being extremely nice even before…

So, I've been looking for my next work for quite a while. I've noticed two trends,which can be summarized by the last two interviews I had (a and b). In both cases, both companies were really excited to have me (in their words), that I'd be a perfect fit etc etc. In the end, I went for offer c.

I emailed the associates who had interviewed me to let them know I was extrenely grateful, but I went for offer c in the end because it was most in line with my interests. I'm in research, so I said I'd love to keep in contact nonetheless regarding future collaborations. Company a's manager phoned me up, congratulated me and was genuinely happy for me. They even said it was the right choice and that they would like to collaborate in the future.

Company b, went from being extremely nice even before the interview, to not responding to my mail. Company b was also the one which had gave me a salary option 50% lower than the one I chose.

I donno, I just found it a bit rude for them to not even acknowledge the email.

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