
What if Americans of child bearing age stopped having children? Have a birth strike? Would corporations listen then?

Among other things, a discussion about the “domestic supply of infants” line from the recent Supreme Court draft brought this to mind. There seems to be a real concern among some powers that be that Americans should be popping out more kids even if they can't afford it. Or even especially if they can't afford it because a large, financially struggling workforce is a) more likely to take what it can get and b) less likely to be politically engaged. If corporations and the government won't ensure living wages and affordable healthcare, why bring forth more wage slaves and consumers for them? Even the current low birth rate gives some economists concern. Can you imagine the panic if there was a 10-15% drop for a few years? I can't see a nationwide general strike ever happening. But a social movement to refuse to reproduce unless conditions improve might be the…

Among other things, a discussion about the “domestic supply of infants” line from the recent Supreme Court draft brought this to mind.

There seems to be a real concern among some powers that be that Americans should be popping out more kids even if they can't afford it. Or even especially if they can't afford it because a large, financially struggling workforce is a) more likely to take what it can get and b) less likely to be politically engaged.

If corporations and the government won't ensure living wages and affordable healthcare, why bring forth more wage slaves and consumers for them?

Even the current low birth rate gives some economists concern. Can you imagine the panic if there was a 10-15% drop for a few years? I can't see a nationwide general strike ever happening. But a social movement to refuse to reproduce unless conditions improve might be the next best thing.

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