
My son has covid. My work requires me to come in as long as I test negative.

They test me every morning. The production manager has been asking how my son is and giving me a thumbs up for testing negative… while walking in five minutes late every day (6am). If any other hourly worker shows up late every they would be fired. Every day I watch the office staff (who come in at 8) come in with the same people showing up 5-10 minutes after they are expected to be in. But they are salary so it's ok I guess.

They test me every morning. The production manager has been asking how my son is and giving me a thumbs up for testing negative… while walking in five minutes late every day (6am). If any other hourly worker shows up late every they would be fired. Every day I watch the office staff (who come in at 8) come in with the same people showing up 5-10 minutes after they are expected to be in. But they are salary so it's ok I guess.

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