
Called in yesterday

I had been working at Wendy’s for about 4 days at that point and despite not hating the work, simply existing in the kitchen of a fast food area filled me with pointless dread, taxing me spiritually. That and the last night I worked I was closing the grill section, finishing up with the last grill before the guy on dishes decides to swap to floors, something I was originally supposed to do, as well as chopping up chili meat and putting the extra raw meat in the fridge. When he did that though I got tasked with the dishes on top of everything mentioned above. I looked over to the sink and there were a literal mountain of dishes, some of which had been there for at least two hours. Plus inside the sink it was layered with grease and crud, which meant I had to clean that out…

I had been working at Wendy’s for about 4 days at that point and despite not hating the work, simply existing in the kitchen of a fast food area filled me with pointless dread, taxing me spiritually.

That and the last night I worked I was closing the grill section, finishing up with the last grill before the guy on dishes decides to swap to floors, something I was originally supposed to do, as well as chopping up chili meat and putting the extra raw meat in the fridge.

When he did that though I got tasked with the dishes on top of everything mentioned above. I looked over to the sink and there were a literal mountain of dishes, some of which had been there for at least two hours. Plus inside the sink it was layered with grease and crud, which meant I had to clean that out first before I could really start.

Basically, even after they got someone to help me it took 2 hours after closing to finish. I don’t hate the work, but when they’re doing shit like that, I decided to take a mental health day yesterday and called in sick, but they said they’d need a dr note to come back so… yeah.

Going job hunting for a couple of days in the meantime, so wish me luck

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