
get on welfare/disability and move in with your family. If that’s not an option, create heavy drug-free tent cities away from the violent homeless. Refuse to be treated like a sub-human slave!

When I quit working and went on disability for anxiety, life got much better. I live in my grandparents basement, but I still have a cute wife and a dog, because I had time to work on myself and work out. Honestly, for people who can't move in with family, my advice is to quit your jobs, steal (Only if you can't get welfare or disability and not from the poor or honest small business) and make drug-free tent-cities away from the violent homeless… It's literally a better life then being treated like a sub-human just for not being taught trades from a young age or not being able to go to college. We need to cut their supply of slaves and force them to create better work environments.

When I quit working and went on disability for anxiety, life got much better. I live in my grandparents basement, but I still have a cute wife and a dog, because I had time to work on myself and work out. Honestly, for people who can't move in with family, my advice is to quit your jobs, steal (Only if you can't get welfare or disability and not from the poor or honest small business) and make drug-free tent-cities away from the violent homeless… It's literally a better life then being treated like a sub-human just for not being taught trades from a young age or not being able to go to college. We need to cut their supply of slaves and force them to create better work environments.

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