
Got fired for this email I sent to HR

I’m writing you because you’re the most well-known and easiest to find H.R. person, and I wasn’t sure who to contact. I’ve worked here for a month and here are some of the reason I am already considering leaving: I've worked here a month and IT still hasn't resolved the issues with my computer, after sending 4 different people including the head of IT to fix it, they seem to just have given up even trying anymore. The network port and wiring for my cubicle are just hanging out of the wall. It’s absurd that if I don’t do the job I was hired for, I get fired, but when IT doesn’t do the job they were hired to do everybody just accepts it? My MS Office software often will not save or update because my computer thinks it is not connected to the network, and I have missed meetings…

I’m writing you because you’re the most well-known and easiest to find H.R. person, and I wasn’t sure who to contact.

I’ve worked here for a month and here are some of the reason I am already considering leaving:

I've worked here a month and IT still hasn't resolved the issues with my computer, after sending 4 different people including the head of IT to fix it, they seem to just have given up even trying anymore. The network port and wiring for my cubicle are just hanging out of the wall. It’s absurd that if I don’t do the job I was hired for, I get fired, but when IT doesn’t do the job they were hired to do everybody just accepts it? My MS Office software often will not save or update because my computer thinks it is not connected to the network, and I have missed meetings or had to use my phone to join meetings because Teams thinks I am disconnected from the network. Not to mention, it took almost 4 weeks for IT to install the software I needed to perform the basic duties of my job?!?!

I work in what could best be described as a dump, where each morning I have to navigate my way through a hundred OSHA violations to get to my office. I would file a complaint with OSHA, but I’d need to be able to access the internet long enough to do that.

To use the bathroom I have to search the lower floors for one that isn't flooded, because addressing drainage issues is so much harder than giving employees working bathroom facilities. Which is probably why it smells like rotten wet gym socks all the time, and often leads to people in the neighboring offices spraying a disgusting allergy inflaming floral air freshener at least once a week or anytime it rains for an extended period of time. So have to smell rotten drainage pipe and synthetic flowers all day.

My office furniture looks like it was dragged out of a dump, or collected from the curbs of a bulk trash day in some suburb in 1994, including my uncomfortable chair which has no support because the foam is so old it has no structure anymore and it constantly expels what I hope is just dust but looks more like food crumbs?!?! I keep a lint roller nearby or avoid wearing dark pants because it’s easier to clean my pants off when I need to walk anywhere in the building than it is to get a clean chair.

The veneer is peeling from the front edge of my desk so I have to be careful not to lean against it, to avoid slicing open my skin on the sharp edges. (not to mention I sit in a cubicle constructed by somebody who clearly doesn’t know the difference between paintable and non-paintable caulk or how to finish an edge)

My desk is right beside a copy machine, the size of a small car, that is so loud I have to use noise canceling ear buds and hold my hands over my ears to block out enough of the sound to hear my meetings when it is running.

My office is lit by a nauseatingly random assortment of deep yellow to daylight white light bulbs that almost constantly hum.

Every day I have to sweep away the dust that accumulates on my computer monitors, laptop, and desk because judging by the thick patches of dust or mold on the ventilation duct vents, cleaning and maintenance are probably on the same budget as bathroom drainage

I need to receive mail to do my job, but it’s locked away in a room that I am denied access to, controlled by a person who is seemingly never available. When I am able to get into the mailroom, I have to search through bins, like a homeless person scrounging for food in a city trash can, because taking some of the millions in profit we make and buying a cubby hole system or even making one, is too expensive. I hate to make a federal case out of never being able to get my licensing paperwork or other mail, but I am literally about to file a complaint with the Inspector General for this company’s disregard of United States Code 18 section 1701. H.R. is probably not aware of the mail issues seeing how yesterday, when I came down to your offices to see if somebody could let me into the mailroom, I noticed the guy from receiving, was missing from the mailroom area, because he was busy delivering HR’s mail and packages?!?! All of course while the HR Rep I was talking to chose to answer the question she assumed I was asking rather actually listening to the words I was saying. Finally after literally stepping in front of her while she trudged toward the mailroom I was able to get her attention long enough to explain my issue, so she recommended I get a key from security who told me they’ve never given keys to the mailroom, nor would they, since it would be a facilities issue. (a common theme here at PNG seems to be that if you want an answer you have to investigate or seek it out on your own because nobody seems to know anything about anything and resources are unavailable or not easy to find)

I have to bring in my own computer mouse from home because IT thought it was a good idea to give a 6’2” tall man a corded mini travel mouse for day-to-day use as an analyst. To use that mouse I have to use the tips of my fingers because it is a third the size of my hand leading to strain and pain. I got permission to bring in my own mouse from home, while one was being ordered from Amazon. That was about a month ago, so it has probably already been delivered, but of course even if it has come in the mail, somebody would need to be able to first get access to the mailroom, and then be able to find it in the bins.

I have one blue pen, 3 black pens, and a stapler, but no paper or idea of how to get a notepad, so I use scraps of paper left by the giant copy machine to take notes when needed. I suppose I have to buy my own office supplies as well?

We have one small 3 gallon trashcan for 3 cubicles, meaning every morning after cleaning the filth off my work area (probably from poor ventilation and mold spores from the various sources of damp around the office), with my own cleaning supplies, I have to regularly walk down the hallway to empty it adding more insult to injury, because trash is only collected once a week and that only happens if you put your trashcan in the hallway?!?!

I’m probably leaving a few things out of my list, it’s hard to keep track of them all. What I need to know is if this is just the standard for employees at Penn National Gaming in Grantville? Am I expecting too much? Because if it is, I need to know now so I can look for another job, or return to my previous position, which has yet to be filled.

Is it too much to ask to work in an office that is safe, clean, without a bunch of environmental stressors, while receiving the support necessary to perform the duties of the position I was hired for, like receiving my mail, having more than one blue pen, a computer that works, a chair that isn’t disgusting and worn out, a desk that doesn’t cut you, and an IT department doesn’t just give up on solving problems they’ve created?

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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