
They really don’t even view us as people

I work for a busy off license chain in the UK. I'm currently on my sixth consecutive full shift which I'm doing on my own because they can't get people to work here. I've been here for two hours and I've already taken in a beer delivery and stocked it out, taken in a cigarette delivery, taken in an ice delivery, completed the daily banking and paperwork, done some stocktaking, and dealt with emails from head office. Our regional manager just walked in as I was leaning on the counter trying to look through books to find the number for the promo department because they haven't emailed us the new promos and I have to order them today. She just looked me up and down and then looked around the empty shop and said “Busy?” in this condescending tone. I started to tell her what I was actually doing and…

I work for a busy off license chain in the UK. I'm currently on my sixth consecutive full shift which I'm doing on my own because they can't get people to work here.

I've been here for two hours and I've already taken in a beer delivery and stocked it out, taken in a cigarette delivery, taken in an ice delivery, completed the daily banking and paperwork, done some stocktaking, and dealt with emails from head office.

Our regional manager just walked in as I was leaning on the counter trying to look through books to find the number for the promo department because they haven't emailed us the new promos and I have to order them today. She just looked me up and down and then looked around the empty shop and said “Busy?” in this condescending tone. I started to tell her what I was actually doing and she got her phone out and ignored me and walked off.

I am not the manager by the way. I am on minimum wage and I'm contracted for 14 hours a week. This is why nobody wants to work for these companies or any like them. You can work your ass off all week for zero thanks, and you don't even get a hello when they walk in.

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