
The five day work week decreases productivity by an exponential margin

I think we should abolish all capitalistic jobs but I understand that is too far left for the average redditor. So I will argue against wage slavery from a right wing perspective Working five days a week for decades causes people to burn out, be miserable, and slack off constantly. It causes mental illness and addiction trying to cope with a shitty, miserable life. There is absolutely no reason to keep this barbaric tradition that was created during the industrial revolution. People would be so much more productive at work with a 3 or 4 day work week. We would be happier, get more done, and increase profits for our billionaire masters. Threatening an exhausted wage slave doesn’t make them work harder. Forcing people to spend their whole life in a cubicle accomplishes nothing. How do evil corporations not see this?? I honestly think the five day work week has…

I think we should abolish all capitalistic jobs but I understand that is too far left for the average redditor.

So I will argue against wage slavery from a right wing perspective

Working five days a week for decades causes people to burn out, be miserable, and slack off constantly. It causes mental illness and addiction trying to cope with a shitty, miserable life.

There is absolutely no reason to keep this barbaric tradition that was created during the industrial revolution.

People would be so much more productive at work with a 3 or 4 day work week.

We would be happier, get more done, and increase profits for our billionaire masters.

Threatening an exhausted wage slave doesn’t make them work harder. Forcing people to spend their whole life in a cubicle accomplishes nothing.

How do evil corporations not see this??

I honestly think the five day work week has another purpose.

To keep the peasants so exhausted they can’t revolt or even think about changing the system.

Or the capitalists could just be stupid and not comically evil. I really don’t know which it is.

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