
My (ex) manager thinks that cutting my hours, with no increase of pay, would make me stay.

I've been looking for a new job for about two months. I finally found one that offered health care. Most employers in my industry offer the worst insurance for exorbitant rates that come out your paycheck. Employer pays all premiums for health/dental/eye and I have a lot of medical issues and I need this. I put in my notice and I have three different people from there trying to convince me to stay. Despite all their begging, they haven't offered a single cent more hourly. Despite having a vacation request in for months, they haven't approved it. So, my house manager sent me the new schedule she's thinking of implementing. It takes away 20 hours of my overtime and puts me on shifts that aren't in my availability. THIS is supposed to get me to stay, in guess. Less money, worse schedule, and no benefits.

I've been looking for a new job for about two months. I finally found one that offered health care. Most employers in my industry offer the worst insurance for exorbitant rates that come out your paycheck. Employer pays all premiums for health/dental/eye and I have a lot of medical issues and I need this.

I put in my notice and I have three different people from there trying to convince me to stay.

Despite all their begging, they haven't offered a single cent more hourly.

Despite having a vacation request in for months, they haven't approved it.

So, my house manager sent me the new schedule she's thinking of implementing. It takes away 20 hours of my overtime and puts me on shifts that aren't in my availability.

THIS is supposed to get me to stay, in guess. Less money, worse schedule, and no benefits.

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