
Bosses that are all sympathy and no solutions

These can be as hard to work with as a horrible boss. Instead, a nice boss who is always very sympathetic (“I know how busy it is” “are you getting a lunch break?” “how are your headaches?”) – but doesn't then offer any solutions or do anything to make your life easier. I've just taken on some management responsibility for the first time and my biggest promise to myself is that I won't just listen but act, and actually follow through rather than just make vague sympathetic noises.

These can be as hard to work with as a horrible boss. Instead, a nice boss who is always very sympathetic (“I know how busy it is” “are you getting a lunch break?” “how are your headaches?”) – but doesn't then offer any solutions or do anything to make your life easier.

I've just taken on some management responsibility for the first time and my biggest promise to myself is that I won't just listen but act, and actually follow through rather than just make vague sympathetic noises.

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