
Yall need to hear this.

Everyone here is tired of how “we live in a society” and “were all slaves to the state” and “fight the establishment”. You know what? Here's some tips for you. Pack your shit, dont say a word, walk into the woods, and live off the grid. No work, no society, only you, your knife, and mother nature. But oh wait, that's too hard for you 350 pound greasy meatballs in the basement huh? Exactly. Either put in the work to live the way you want to or quit your bitchin and join the rat race.

Everyone here is tired of how “we live in a society” and “were all slaves to the state” and “fight the establishment”. You know what? Here's some tips for you.

Pack your shit, dont say a word, walk into the woods, and live off the grid. No work, no society, only you, your knife, and mother nature. But oh wait, that's too hard for you 350 pound greasy meatballs in the basement huh? Exactly. Either put in the work to live the way you want to or quit your bitchin and join the rat race.

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