
Give Yourself a Pay Rise!

I went to my manager and argued for a pay rise. I did not get it. So I decided to give myself a pay rise! Whilst I am unable to increase my yearly salary, I am able to increase my hourly rate. I do this by taking longer breaks, doing less work and skiving off early whenever I can. For example – Let's say I earn 36,000 a year. This is for working a 40 hour week. This works out at 18.75 per hour. Now, all I have to do is shave off 5 hours per week by – taking more tea breaks, spending longer on the toilet, stretching out tasks and leaving early (when I can get away with it) – and now I am working 35 hours per week – with the same yearly salary! I am now earning 21.43 per hour! Give YOURSELF a payrise today!

I went to my manager and argued for a pay rise. I did not get it. So I decided to give myself a pay rise!

Whilst I am unable to increase my yearly salary, I am able to increase my hourly rate. I do this by taking longer breaks, doing less work and skiving off early whenever I can.

For example –

Let's say I earn 36,000 a year. This is for working a 40 hour week. This works out at 18.75 per hour.

Now, all I have to do is shave off 5 hours per week by – taking more tea breaks, spending longer on the toilet, stretching out tasks and leaving early (when I can get away with it) – and now I am working 35 hours per week – with the same yearly salary!

I am now earning 21.43 per hour!

Give YOURSELF a payrise today!

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