
A rant – sorry

I have been in an acting up role for some time. Doing it for 4 years, formally paid for the acting up part for the last couple of months. With a clear expectation that it would stop shortly. I spoke to a sister organisation, and was offered a job with them. Spoke to my boss who said funding wasn't going to happen for my current secondment. I told him I had an offer and I was considering it. My boss is on 3 times my annual salary. It's a public sector organisation. The next day they advertised my role as a permanent job at the higher rate. The next morning I was approached by the entire Management team of my department to congratulate me. I informed them I hadn't handed my notice in. I had a meeting with the HR Director in a pre-existing meeting later who congratulated me. I…

I have been in an acting up role for some time. Doing it for 4 years, formally paid for the acting up part for the last couple of months. With a clear expectation that it would stop shortly.

I spoke to a sister organisation, and was offered a job with them. Spoke to my boss who said funding wasn't going to happen for my current secondment. I told him I had an offer and I was considering it. My boss is on 3 times my annual salary. It's a public sector organisation.

The next day they advertised my role as a permanent job at the higher rate.

The next morning I was approached by the entire Management team of my department to congratulate me. I informed them I hadn't handed my notice in. I had a meeting with the HR Director in a pre-existing meeting later who congratulated me. I told her I hadn't handed my notice in.

A colleague phoned me up asking me why I hadn't applied for the new job. I explained it was my job and they clearly didn't want me for it. She told me this was a completely different job and they can't advertise jobs when there had been no notice handed in.

My boss phoned me up. I told him to stop telling people I had handed my notice in. He told me he informed the rest of management and HR as it was 'a risk'. I told him it had been put to me, that I had been asked why I didn't just apply for the new job.

He lost his shit.

He told me it was funded by my old job. I explained I got that, but where was the extra funding coming from. He screamed that he would rescind it. And it was the Director of Finance and Director of HR's fault as they told him he could do it.

I told him to relax and that it was irrelevant who had approved it. I just asked if the new job was rescinded, why was the money then not able to come in.

He then said he had worked until midnight last Friday working on his garage (bearing in mind it's now Wednesday). I admit, this confused me and I asked him why that was relevant.

He then explained that my post would fund the new post. And I asked again, where the additional £10k was coming from. I was calm and I reassured him, I wasn't looking to get anyone in trouble.

He then told me his son had fallen down the stairs and hung up.

I walked back to my desk and checked my laptop. He was on the phone in a call. Strangely his boss was also in a call and they both came off their respective calls at the same time.

It's a fucking circus isn't it? Guess I have to watch my back.

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