
We need to de-incentivize gobbling up real estate as “investment opportunities” and “passive income” (aka being a leech) so people can afford to exist.

Make it so paying rent earns you partial ownership (equity) in the property. (as a percent of the total property value.) This will have many helpful downstream effects ( for non-leeches) that will make it so real estate is less attractive as an investment. This will dramatically lower the price of housing. This is politically feasible in states with ballot measures because renters outnumber landlords and real estate investors. DISCUSS

Make it so paying rent earns you partial ownership (equity) in the property. (as a percent of the total property value.)

This will have many helpful downstream effects ( for non-leeches) that will make it so real estate is less attractive as an investment. This will dramatically lower the price of housing.

This is politically feasible in states with ballot measures because renters outnumber landlords and real estate investors.


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