
Quit my job and feel a weight lifted from me.

I work as a heavy diesel mechanic, it’s a very highly sought after field, the wages are increasing, the worker pool is getting smaller and the industry is always busy. I would say that I’m quite loyal to where I work, if im kept reasonably content I don’t look elsewhere and I don’t leave a job lightly. Recently however my service manager has became completely unbearable, he’s always been a stubborn old man but recently it’s second guessing all my work, trying to belittle me in front of other co workers, threatened me with my job and making me feel like im begging to take my time off that I’ve earned. So I got cold called by a competitor brand service manager and was offered a job over the phone, went and met and received an offer of $20,000 a year more base than my current, an extra week vacation…

I work as a heavy diesel mechanic, it’s a very highly sought after field, the wages are increasing, the worker pool is getting smaller and the industry is always busy. I would say that I’m quite loyal to where I work, if im kept reasonably content I don’t look elsewhere and I don’t leave a job lightly.

Recently however my service manager has became completely unbearable, he’s always been a stubborn old man but recently it’s second guessing all my work, trying to belittle me in front of other co workers, threatened me with my job and making me feel like im begging to take my time off that I’ve earned.

So I got cold called by a competitor brand service manager and was offered a job over the phone, went and met and received an offer of $20,000 a year more base than my current, an extra week vacation and fuel allowance for commuting.

I gotta be honest, quitting made me feel great. They’ve been struggling to find people that want to work here and I was one of 3 service techs. They’ll struggle even harder without me and I’m not the only one that will quit.

It’s an employees market these days, don’t forget it folks.

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