
Oh boy do I F***in HATE where my life is now!

I absolutely HATE with a bloody fkin passion my job at Walmart. I always go into my job thinking “are they gonna fire me today?” considering the fact that they fired BOTH of my brothers for stupid reasons (1 of which happened April last year). I hate when my sanity gets tested by management because yeah I get more than $17 an hour at my job and I have health insurance because of it but idk how much more my head can take it. Worst part is that if I quit I have NO chance of finding a place for my fiancée and I to live at (she lives with her folks still and I same with mine). It's no fkin wonder why my work is short staffed badly. Management treats my co workers and i like they're superior instead of equals. There are times when I want to just…

I absolutely HATE with a bloody fkin passion my job at Walmart. I always go into my job thinking “are they gonna fire me today?” considering the fact that they fired BOTH of my brothers for stupid reasons (1 of which happened April last year). I hate when my sanity gets tested by management because yeah I get more than $17 an hour at my job and I have health insurance because of it but idk how much more my head can take it. Worst part is that if I quit I have NO chance of finding a place for my fiancée and I to live at (she lives with her folks still and I same with mine). It's no fkin wonder why my work is short staffed badly. Management treats my co workers and i like they're superior instead of equals. There are times when I want to just scream I Quit! and just run away from everything. Been mentally questioning nearly everything in my life lately and that if any of this is worth it. “Oh you should talk to someone there about you're problems that you're having” Hell I don't have very many friends or reliable/trustworthy people to talk to at my job because I don't trust and/or not comfortable with every Team Lead/supervisor and manager and the store manager there. The only person I was able to talk to at the time got transferred to a different store and she didn't even tell me or anything and didn't even say bye. Everytime I go to work it ALWAYS feels suffocating there. Idk what to do anymore. I just wanna be able to work somewhere where pay is decent enough but I'm especially happy enough that I can look forward to going to work the next day. I shouldn't have to go to work and always have the same thought that “oh how are they gonna f**k up my day?” Or “are they gonna fire me today?” Honestly I would go on more and list off every single problem with my work but I would just be typing all day or close to it. I need a restart somehow.

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