
Job interviews’ pointless theatrics are making me lose my mind

Bit of a rant, I suppose. Sorry if it's poorly worded or inappropriate. I've always hated the interview process, and always will. To add to that, I'm autistic, so a lot of society's arbitrary and implicit rules are utterly incomprehensible or insane to me. It's like trying to jam a cassette into a cd player – and job interviews seems to consist solely of that. Absurdly fake questions that require equally absurdly fake answers and if you don't smile enough, don't profess your willingness to sacrifice your life enough, don't look at them the right way, well there you go. You become unfit to earn a living. I've legit cried from frustration over it. They asked me things, I replied politely but truthfully, because what else would I do? It's not like I walk in there cussing them out, I act the way I think every professional conversation should be,…

Bit of a rant, I suppose. Sorry if it's poorly worded or inappropriate.

I've always hated the interview process, and always will. To add to that, I'm autistic, so a lot of society's arbitrary and implicit rules are utterly incomprehensible or insane to me. It's like trying to jam a cassette into a cd player – and job interviews seems to consist solely of that. Absurdly fake questions that require equally absurdly fake answers and if you don't smile enough, don't profess your willingness to sacrifice your life enough, don't look at them the right way, well there you go. You become unfit to earn a living.

I've legit cried from frustration over it. They asked me things, I replied politely but truthfully, because what else would I do? It's not like I walk in there cussing them out, I act the way I think every professional conversation should be, and still I cannot understand Why ask at all if you want me to perform a song-and-dance that both of us know isn't genuine in the slightest? And I can't perform it. Blame it both on my brain structure and my hate for how this broken machine works but I refuse to compromise my dignity as a human being and tell them “Yeah, of course, if an authority figure at my place of work started berating me and stomping over my rights I would absolutely accept it”. If it's not true I will not say it. And it's not. But I've been told my sense of justice is “detrimental”, so I guess that's that.

To be fair, I'm also young, but I've tried countless times in countless places and they either look at me like I'm a weird bug or start condescendingly shooing me away. Most I've landed was €200/month for a year and a half, no formal contract, which I only accepted to financially help my struggling family.

Now I'm trying again through an association that's supposed to help disabled people find work, but my country is still atrociously unprepared in that aspect. I've been pinballed around different offices for months for talks where half the people don't know how my condition works. I'm just… tired, and I fear I haven't even seen the worst of it yet.

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