
Getting charged a “Tobacco Penalty”

Today when I got my paystub I noticed a new $28 deduction. Curious as nothing has changed for me in a while I discovered I am now being charged a $28 a pay period fee as a “Tobacco Penalty” from my work because somehow despite never having used any form of tobacco in my entire life and putting that on my benefits area when asked, I was suppose to take a blood test to confirm that. However no one bothered to tell me or provide any written information about this until I noticed this new fee and inquired about it. Absolutely furious now, not over the amount but over the whole thing. So now I have to wait another 10 months till open enrollment comes around and then take the blood test before they’ll change this. Honestly not even sure this is actually legal for them to do here in…

Today when I got my paystub I noticed a new $28 deduction. Curious as nothing has changed for me in a while I discovered I am now being charged a $28 a pay period fee as a “Tobacco Penalty” from my work because somehow despite never having used any form of tobacco in my entire life and putting that on my benefits area when asked, I was suppose to take a blood test to confirm that. However no one bothered to tell me or provide any written information about this until I noticed this new fee and inquired about it. Absolutely furious now, not over the amount but over the whole thing. So now I have to wait another 10 months till open enrollment comes around and then take the blood test before they’ll change this.

Honestly not even sure this is actually legal for them to do here in Florida. Even if it is legal, WTF?!?

Edit: thank you to all who have pointed out this is insurance and not my work place. I’m just so pissed I didn’t think that through.

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