
Do you all ever feel like the fight is pointless?

Thats not to say giving up. But its like we are fighting for minimum wage to be increased, but its so far behind that it will never get increased to the number that it needs to be for a successful society. And even if we do manage to get 1 step ahead, corporate can just increase prices of consumerables and make all that work futile. Everytime I think of what I would like to see as positive change, I think of how it can't be implemented without another change, and that change can't be implemented without this other change, and it just continues on and on. It just feels like a never ending fight that we aren't going to win, unless we change practically everything.

Thats not to say giving up. But its like we are fighting for minimum wage to be increased, but its so far behind that it will never get increased to the number that it needs to be for a successful society. And even if we do manage to get 1 step ahead, corporate can just increase prices of consumerables and make all that work futile.

Everytime I think of what I would like to see as positive change, I think of how it can't be implemented without another change, and that change can't be implemented without this other change, and it just continues on and on. It just feels like a never ending fight that we aren't going to win, unless we change practically everything.

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