
How are low wage workers going to even get too work if gas really hits $6/gallon this Augest?

Right now there's analysts predicting that gas nationwide could hit $6.20 by august. Just to put that into perspective that would mean that if your making the federal min wage of 7.25/hr you have to work close to 1 hour just to put 1 gallon of fuel into your car. And if you make 15/hr 1 hour of work will only get you 2.5 gallons of gas. This is complete insanity, soon people won't even be able to afford to work anymore. In america our cities were intentionally built to only be accessible via car, so people can't just bike or take public transit too work. Not too also mention diesel prices are going to cause the cost of delivering goods to skyrocket like crazy because more owner operator truck drivers are going to either quit or try and charge their clients more money for the increased gas prices. Like…

Right now there's analysts predicting that gas nationwide could hit $6.20 by august. Just to put that into perspective that would mean that if your making the federal min wage of 7.25/hr you have to work close to 1 hour just to put 1 gallon of fuel into your car. And if you make 15/hr 1 hour of work will only get you 2.5 gallons of gas. This is complete insanity, soon people won't even be able to afford to work anymore. In america our cities were intentionally built to only be accessible via car, so people can't just bike or take public transit too work. Not too also mention diesel prices are going to cause the cost of delivering goods to skyrocket like crazy because more owner operator truck drivers are going to either quit or try and charge their clients more money for the increased gas prices. Like what is even going to happen when you lose money just going to work? Low wage workers do the most essential tasks of our society, they make sure we have food at the grocery stores, that we can buy goods from stores, that we can go out to Restaurants and enjoy life.

“Cruel summer”: Gas could hit $6.20 per gallon nationally by August, analyst predicts – CBS News

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