
Dropping out of a “successful” career

I’ve been a software engineer for four years. Things have happened in my life and I have absolutely no motivation to continue my career or a traditional path in life. I don’t want a family, a marriage, or children. I just want to minimize my suffering until I die. So I really don’t see what the point is of working and trying to move up. It will not help me reach my goals in life. I’ve saved up enough to live in Thailand for a few years. Has anyone been through something similar and how did it go?

I’ve been a software engineer for four years. Things have happened in my life and I have absolutely no motivation to continue my career or a traditional path in life. I don’t want a family, a marriage, or children. I just want to minimize my suffering until I die. So I really don’t see what the point is of working and trying to move up. It will not help me reach my goals in life. I’ve saved up enough to live in Thailand for a few years. Has anyone been through something similar and how did it go?

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