
I broke her!!

So Friday i was told too many people asking for a raise so we’re going to try tips. I had to laugh. Ive never went to McDonald’s and thought hey awesome job you deserve a tip. What we do is considered fast food. Unless she alternates people the tip idea is pointless. Today…the GM started lying to customers intentionally. Neither of my former GMs nor I have intentionally lied. Considering if customers actually LOOKED we weren’t as busy as she said. I have anxiety and she’s acquired my same anxiety.

So Friday i was told too many people asking for a raise so we’re going to try tips. I had to laugh. Ive never went to McDonald’s and thought hey awesome job you deserve a tip. What we do is considered fast food. Unless she alternates people the tip idea is pointless. Today…the GM started lying to customers intentionally. Neither of my former GMs nor I have intentionally lied. Considering if customers actually LOOKED we weren’t as busy as she said. I have anxiety and she’s acquired my same anxiety.

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