
How often do you call out?

For me it's about once a month. Plenty of times I'll go more than a month without calling out, but on average, it's like 10-12 times a year. I had a real crappy job that allowed for 12 “unexcused” absences in a consecutive 12 month period, so that kind of set the precedent. I don't even give a reason anymore, I just call and say “Hey, I'm calling out for today”. I don't feel bad. They don't feel bad when they call me an hour before my shift that they have enough coverage and I don't need to come in today. I used to feel bad for leaving them shorthanded, but we're always shorthanded – every day. I'm over it. I called out today just cause its Monday and I didn't sleep well. Maybe I'm lazy. That's fine, I'll be lazy. Being anything else sounds exhausting.

For me it's about once a month. Plenty of times I'll go more than a month without calling out, but on average, it's like 10-12 times a year. I had a real crappy job that allowed for 12 “unexcused” absences in a consecutive
12 month period, so that kind of set the precedent. I don't even give a reason anymore, I just call and say “Hey, I'm calling out for today”. I don't feel bad. They don't feel bad when they call me an hour before my shift that they have enough coverage and I don't need to come in today. I used to feel bad for leaving them shorthanded, but we're always shorthanded – every day. I'm over it. I called out today just cause its Monday and I didn't sleep well. Maybe I'm lazy. That's fine, I'll be lazy. Being anything else sounds exhausting.

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