
How to postpone a death in the family?

So at my company I’m “new” but not really. Had 4 years here, left, and am now back because I need the health insurance. Anyways my dog has been fighting Valley Fever for about 8 months now to no avail. She’s having seizures every 2-4 hours, pissing on herself, can’t barely stand up. My heart is broken and I know it’s now time to say goodbye. I contemplated coming to work today because I want to be there for my dog. And when I took a day off work for her vet appointment I received a write up for missing the day. I commute 3 hours a day 5 days a week for this shit hole. We’re union but it’s not that great. The ONLY reason I’m still here is because of the $0 deductible, no max, company paid health insurance I have to have because ‘Murica and kids. I…

So at my company I’m “new” but not really. Had 4 years here, left, and am now back because I need the health insurance. Anyways my dog has been fighting Valley Fever for about 8 months now to no avail. She’s having seizures every 2-4 hours, pissing on herself, can’t barely stand up. My heart is broken and I know it’s now time to say goodbye.

I contemplated coming to work today because I want to be there for my dog. And when I took a day off work for her vet appointment I received a write up for missing the day. I commute 3 hours a day 5 days a week for this shit hole. We’re union but it’s not that great. The ONLY reason I’m still here is because of the $0 deductible, no max, company paid health insurance I have to have because ‘Murica and kids. I went into the office this morning to let them know I would be missing tomorrow to say goodbye to my best friend and the very first thing the terminal manager says to me is “Do you even have any time available?” Like WHAT THE FUCK?!? How can someone have 0 fucking compassion?!?!? I’m never fucking late, the most efficient tech in the shop, and I get along with everybody. I wasn’t even asking to be paid.

So does anyone know how I can delay death or reverse paralysis? Maybe have a cure for valley fever or even cancer while I’m at it? I just need another year I guess until I get some “available time”

Fuck this system man and fuck all these awful diseases. I love my dog. Thanks for hearing my rant.

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