
Moved onto a fresh probation period after 1 year with a company, now I’m leaving

Been working a wageslave work from home phone job I picked up during the pandemic, it started out great, good bonus, time and a half overtime, was making almost half my monthly wage from bonus when i first started. The first sign of trouble was when they moved from a ‘sales per day’ based bonus to a ‘percentage of calls bonus’ now whenever I did overtime to earn a little extra I wasn’t helping my bonus and was in fact risking it. Not to mention the target change brought my monthly bonus down by around £200 a month and overtime was reduced to time and a third. Then month on month the targets kept getting higher, I was helping out training new employees as well as my usual duties, for no extra pay of course. Finally they decided to close the department I was working on. They told me face…

Been working a wageslave work from home phone job I picked up during the pandemic, it started out great, good bonus, time and a half overtime, was making almost half my monthly wage from bonus when i first started.

The first sign of trouble was when they moved from a ‘sales per day’ based bonus to a ‘percentage of calls bonus’ now whenever I did overtime to earn a little extra I wasn’t helping my bonus and was in fact risking it. Not to mention the target change brought my monthly bonus down by around £200 a month and overtime was reduced to time and a third.

Then month on month the targets kept getting higher, I was helping out training new employees as well as my usual duties, for no extra pay of course.

Finally they decided to close the department I was working on. They told me face to face it would be a new position with bonus and that not much was really changing. Then they told me that they would have to put me on a fresh three month probation because it’s a ‘new job’ even though I have the same employer. Then two days into training they dropped on me that the new position had no bonus but that there was ‘plans to introduce it.’

I left work that day and the moment I clocked out I started applying for new jobs, within a week I’ve found one with a higher set wage, rather than hourly, a reduction from 48 hours a week to 35 as well as more freedom when it comes to hours. Now I’m just waiting out the training of my ‘new job’ while I wait to start with this new company, doing the minimum while I wait out my new start date.

The company promised me promotions that never came, and every time I went above and beyond my reward was a harder to hit bonus next month. My last month on the phones I made over 200 sales and got less bonus than my first month where I did 50.

This will be the last time I go above and beyond.

Fuck em.

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