
I walked out of my job at “amazon”, did I screw myself on PTO?

I know you guys love a story and I'd be glad to post but I don't want to screw myself over by tipping off my boss if I need to prepare for legal action. That said, I live and work in PA which to my understanding leaves the decision of paying out pto up to the employers but I can't find a copy of my contract and the best I can find is a copy of the Employee Handbook that I was supposed to sign but never did. The handbook does not address what happens to PTO when an employee quits. So did I screw myself? Also I was a delivery driver and as many of you probably know, none of the drivers for amazon actually work for amazon, it's all 3rd party contractors that amazon hires.

I know you guys love a story and I'd be glad to post but I don't want to screw myself over by tipping off my boss if I need to prepare for legal action. That said, I live and work in PA which to my understanding leaves the decision of paying out pto up to the employers but I can't find a copy of my contract and the best I can find is a copy of the Employee Handbook that I was supposed to sign but never did. The handbook does not address what happens to PTO when an employee quits. So did I screw myself? Also I was a delivery driver and as many of you probably know, none of the drivers for amazon actually work for amazon, it's all 3rd party contractors that amazon hires.

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