
$15 is the new minimum wage

I been surfing this forum for a while now because I know it has to be a better way this cannot be the American dream we all have been fooled into believing in.I work for a local grocery store And we only make $10 an hour as cashiers during a pandemic.Even the McDonald's next door to us pays $14 an hour. As you can probably guess my store is constantly understaffed rather it's people not wanting to work for such low pay or people calling out because they really don't care about making $10 an hour .Not only that but because we are a local store in a urban area our items are marked up to %50 percent more then the local chains here like Meijer and krogers.Honestly I don't know why people even shop here but because it's in a poor urban area alot of people don't have cars…

I been surfing this forum for a while now because I know it has to be a better way this cannot be the American dream we all have been fooled into believing in.I work for a local grocery store And we only make $10 an hour as cashiers during a pandemic.Even the McDonald's next door to us pays $14 an hour. As you can probably guess my store is constantly understaffed rather it's people not wanting to work for such low pay or people calling out because they really don't care about making $10 an hour .Not only that but because we are a local store in a urban area our items are marked up to %50 percent more then the local chains here like Meijer and krogers.Honestly I don't know why people even shop here but because it's in a poor urban area alot of people don't have cars so they are forced to shop here .So me and a few of my co-workers that are some of the top performers have been talking about finding new jobs and quitting lately. Honestly I've been kind of geeking all my co-workers up to get better jobs. I even convinced one of my co-workers to go to a job where she makes $17 an hour and she left on mother's day leaving us severely understaffed that day but we made the best of. Well last Friday two of my coworkers told them that this upcoming Saturday will be their last day. And today I came in and told them this upcoming Saturday will also be my last day. My boss looked flabbergasted that's she's losing three cashiers and in one week. So she asked me have you all been planning this out? I told her no we haven't we all like the job the pay is just not competitive it's too low. Which is true all of us work together good we all come to work every day And we all like each other. So when I said this to her she looked flabbergasted She looked confused genuinely like she couldn't believe I was saying this. So she asked my other co-worker who's also quitting does she think that they need to up the pay at the job? To which my coworker replied “saying yes I'm leaving because I'm getting paid better at another competing grocery store….. My boss just stood there in disbelief.So my boss comes back to me about an hour later and says the owner of the store said I'm one of the best workers What would it take to keep me. So I asked her what was he talking about What kind of raise would I get? She Responded and said you tell us….So I told Her “$15 and hour….Her eyes bucked open and she said really???? in a disappointed way.She said I don't think he is gonna do that I'ma go see.So of course she never came back to me.But Monday is the holiday they are gonna be so short staffed during memorial day without all three of us. And I feel bad for my coworkers but I just couldn't keep working for $10 an hour when I know I am a model worker. The cherry on the cake of today is When I was leaving I had to fix a problem only my boss's can fix but the manager on duty couldn't fix the problem so I had to stay over and fix it….well technically I didn't but I did it to prove a point without people who really care like me and understand everything in the store it's gonna make it hard on them.So I think the least I deserve is $15.

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