

when my manger changed positions, i received a new manager and signed a document acknowledging so. we have meetings i usually miss due to workload and i pick up tid bits here and there since they dont provide logs for them exept some power point presentations. i guess in one i missed my boss appointed someone to help her out. in a meeting they requested that all change be placed into the safe every night. i missed it and so did other locations and 6 months later i get a complaint from a colleague because my new boss's appointed help moved things around without saying anything. i call my boss, everything is taken care of, i request to be notified first to tell my team. were good. all on the same page. that is until end of my closing shift her appointed help calls me to “discuss what happened” im…

when my manger changed positions, i received a new manager and signed a document acknowledging so. we have meetings i usually miss due to workload and i pick up tid bits here and there since they dont provide logs for them exept some power point presentations. i guess in one i missed my boss appointed someone to help her out.

in a meeting they requested that all change be placed into the safe every night. i missed it and so did other locations and 6 months later i get a complaint from a colleague because my new boss's appointed help moved things around without saying anything.

i call my boss, everything is taken care of, i request to be notified first to tell my team. were good. all on the same page. that is until end of my closing shift her appointed help calls me to “discuss what happened”

im caught off guard thinking i solved this with my manager. i let the girl know my requests and she persists. im getting frustrated. the conversation takes a turn and goes like this:

her: well you can get written up for something like this
me: next time id like to be written up so if theres an issue ill solve it.
her: well we can further discuss solutions in our next 1 on 1
me: in the future id need my boss to be present.
her: not a problem but she cant me there all the time
me: with all due respect, the chain of commands goes my boss and her boss. youre not my boss and so to protect myself id want to go through my boss.
her: ill talk to her about the chain of commands and we
me: (cutting her off) yeah because i have signed documentation that “enter name” is my boss so i go through her. your position as far as im aware is an assistant to her but no where was i informed that i go through you and i dont feel comfortable

we both hang up and now im pretty sure ill get written up. but like…im done

i worked here through covid and been here helping through so much. im a decent worker but i have ocd and i respectfully asked my boss because I know i can communicate in a more effective manner. i get flustered when someone changes things without any info why. then when this said person implies ill be written up….well now thems fighting words. like this girl has no power over me from where i sit…shes power hungry and im not dealing with it.

im sorry for the rant. im tired guys. this job has burnt me out and i just get so fed up sometimes. i appreciate letting me vent about this.

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