
Sick of constantly being screwed over by understaffing

I have been fucked over countless times by the revolving door issue in this company. They refuse to hire enough people to prevent the issue where if a single person calls out sick all 3 stores have to scramble to find someone who’s on their day off to fill it in. The employees they DO hire are treated like shit. We get to deal with chronic understaffing, being pulled to work on our days off, contradicting schedules, being overworked for minimum wage and countless other things. When they told me i’d have to ‘float’ sometimes, i thought they meant that id be told in advance that i’d be working in a different store. Nope! It means that you’re expected to be awake during normal work hours on your day off and ready on the very likely chance that you’ll have to go to work anyways. I dont float often because…

I have been fucked over countless times by the revolving door issue in this company. They refuse to hire enough people to prevent the issue where if a single person calls out sick all 3 stores have to scramble to find someone who’s on their day off to fill it in. The employees they DO hire are treated like shit. We get to deal with chronic understaffing, being pulled to work on our days off, contradicting schedules, being overworked for minimum wage and countless other things.

When they told me i’d have to ‘float’ sometimes, i thought they meant that id be told in advance that i’d be working in a different store. Nope! It means that you’re expected to be awake during normal work hours on your day off and ready on the very likely chance that you’ll have to go to work anyways.

I dont float often because up until today I was considered too new of an employee- but ive dealt with the other side of the issue. A coworker quits without putting in her two weeks notice? I show up to take care of the store alone in crutches ! My coworker is sick? Late? Or god forbid they had to float to another store? I’m completely alone in a massive store for 5-6 hours doing the work of 3 people and being payed jack shit for it without a single bit of gratitude from fucking anyone.

I dont care if im letting down the only manager i actually like or screwing the company over by not going in today- i’m putting my two weeks in soon anyways so i feel no urgency in trying to keep the owners happy.

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