
Friend got fired for not wanting to be sick around food

I have friends who occasionally need rides home from work, and since I work from home, it gets me out of the house and they don't have to pay for an Uber. They'll usually give me money for gas, and we get to chat for a bit. Yesterday, I went to pick up one friend from a fast food place, and he let me know that his roommate that works with him was feeling sick and would need a ride home as well. No problem for me, but roommate was already on thin ice with management bc she has health issues that cause absences. Roommate came out to the car and announced that she was fired for leaving early. She was worried that the manager would shit-talk her to future jobs. I let her know that 1) most companies have policies that the manager can't say anything more than 'Yes,…

I have friends who occasionally need rides home from work, and since I work from home, it gets me out of the house and they don't have to pay for an Uber. They'll usually give me money for gas, and we get to chat for a bit.

Yesterday, I went to pick up one friend from a fast food place, and he let me know that his roommate that works with him was feeling sick and would need a ride home as well. No problem for me, but roommate was already on thin ice with management bc she has health issues that cause absences. Roommate came out to the car and announced that she was fired for leaving early. She was worried that the manager would shit-talk her to future jobs. I let her know that 1) most companies have policies that the manager can't say anything more than 'Yes, they worked here' and whether or not they are eligible for re-hire, 2) most employers are desperate enough not to care, and 3) I would be a reference for whatever she needed.

Never mind that this place is chronically short-staffed and can't hire anybody to work their crap wages… They go and fire someone that WANTS to work but doesn't want to be standing over food while she feels like she's going to throw up. Now they're even MORE short-staffed. Managers keep treating their workers like crap, expecting there to be lines of people ready to take the job, and then complain that no one wants to work. They can all go pound sand and fire ants.

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