
Fuck Plato’s Closet.

Still thinking about how I got fired after being with the company almost two years. why did i get fired? i had used my last call out because my dog died, and about 3 weeks later I got food poisoning. and was uncontrollably vomiting at work. I went into work because if I didn’t it would have been my last write up/absence. I tried to tough it out, threw up on the store floor, and finally told my manager that I needed to leave. She said she understood because I was throwing up. The next day I came into work, everyone acting normal and I was feeling better from food poisoning. 5 minutes before the end of my 8 hour shift they fired me. I was one of their only full time people and their only opener, I got passed up for atleast 3 promotions because I wouldn’t work outside…

Still thinking about how I got fired after being with the company almost two years. why did i get fired? i had used my last call out because my dog died, and about 3 weeks later I got food poisoning. and was uncontrollably vomiting at work. I went into work because if I didn’t it would have been my last write up/absence. I tried to tough it out, threw up on the store floor, and finally told my manager that I needed to leave. She said she understood because I was throwing up. The next day I came into work, everyone acting normal and I was feeling better from food poisoning. 5 minutes before the end of my 8 hour shift they fired me. I was one of their only full time people and their only opener, I got passed up for atleast 3 promotions because I wouldn’t work outside my availability, and them saying I could only get promoted if I also worked nights and every weekend. Meanwhile people who worked 20 hours a week were getting promoted. Fuck plato’s closet, the clothes are cheap because the workers make minimum wage and they don’t give raises unless you’ve been there more than a year and have no absences.

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