
I resigned

Today is my last day of work. Fuck this shit, I'm not going to sit behind a computer for the rest of my life, wasting away in a 9-5 job. Nor am I going to talk about money every day, it is important, but not that important. I am going back to teaching kids about history or society and write my book. I have no interviews on the agenda, but I rather do 50 interviews that don't pan out than do this one more day. My job right now is turning yellow triangles into green squares by changing 1s into 2s or 2s into 1s. I didn't go to uni for this. Currently sitting outside while having youtube run on my pc so that it doesn't shut down automatically. Ps. Just got a call from an agency who are going to try and find the perfect teaching job for me.

Today is my last day of work. Fuck this shit, I'm not going to sit behind a computer for the rest of my life, wasting away in a 9-5 job. Nor am I going to talk about money every day, it is important, but not that important. I am going back to teaching kids about history or society and write my book. I have no interviews on the agenda, but I rather do 50 interviews that don't pan out than do this one more day.

My job right now is turning yellow triangles into green squares by changing 1s into 2s or 2s into 1s. I didn't go to uni for this. Currently sitting outside while having youtube run on my pc so that it doesn't shut down automatically.

Ps. Just got a call from an agency who are going to try and find the perfect teaching job for me.

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