
Whats something that won’t make me dread tomorrow that I can be a part of in capitalism?

I'm in canada, I don't even feel alive… I'm 20 years old, Had decent careers only to end from contract BS, Can't really find a job anymore, Fall apart normally during and after every job in ways that won't get me fired but eventually productivity suffers. Pills don't work. Don't feel happy from doing well in work. I'd feel guilty having a partner or kid cause life sucks Was making money but didn't care. Government programs don't want to help me. Family is falling apart due to health reason. Doctors and surgerys are so backed up everyone is waiting on help I know. Lost all my friends during my long hour strides due to being to tired to talk to them Even the Suicide hotlines are volunteers y'know? They dont get paid for trying to save lives… Thats so fucked. What can I even do anymore man? Do I have…

I'm in canada, I don't even feel alive… I'm 20 years old, Had decent careers only to end from contract BS, Can't really find a job anymore, Fall apart normally during and after every job in ways that won't get me fired but eventually productivity suffers.
Pills don't work.
Don't feel happy from doing well in work.
I'd feel guilty having a partner or kid cause life sucks
Was making money but didn't care.
Government programs don't want to help me.
Family is falling apart due to health reason.
Doctors and surgerys are so backed up everyone is waiting on help I know.
Lost all my friends during my long hour strides due to being to tired to talk to them

Even the Suicide hotlines are volunteers y'know? They dont get paid for trying to save lives… Thats so fucked.

What can I even do anymore man? Do I have any options at all?

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