
For the first time in my adult life it looks like I will not be able to pay rent at the end of the month

Well inflation and corporate greed has finally drained me. I'm about $200 short this month. I can't even believe it. I almost never eat out or go anywhere anymore but groceries are ridiculously expensive. Gas is $5.39 here. I can't remember the last time I went out to see a movie or just have a drink. I haven't bought a game on steam in over a year. I moved to a new city a year ago and my rent with a roommate was $500/mo and after the first year they raised rent so high, to over $1000 for each of us that we moved and we're paying $700 each. I've applied to no less than 3 ads a week on indeed for the last 2 months. I've had interviews where the advertised pay was $20/hr but told that it's $13/hr until I get through the first 90 days then we…

Well inflation and corporate greed has finally drained me. I'm about $200 short this month. I can't even believe it. I almost never eat out or go anywhere anymore but groceries are ridiculously expensive. Gas is $5.39 here. I can't remember the last time I went out to see a movie or just have a drink. I haven't bought a game on steam in over a year. I moved to a new city a year ago and my rent with a roommate was $500/mo and after the first year they raised rent so high, to over $1000 for each of us that we moved and we're paying $700 each.

I've applied to no less than 3 ads a week on indeed for the last 2 months. I've had interviews where the advertised pay was $20/hr but told that it's $13/hr until I get through the first 90 days then we can discuss a raise. I've been stood up by employers, waiting in their lobby for up to 30 minutes only to have a receptionist tell me they no longer need to interview me. I've had jobs offer $18/hr but only 12 hours a week, which is currently what I do. I do doordash too but it's so damn volatile right now I can make anywhere from $30 in 6 hours to $100 but with gas prices right now I put a third of whatever I make back in my tank.

I can already see myself getting further and further behind on bills and I won't be surprised if I'm getting evicted by fall. Funny thing is even if I somehow scrape by, they're going to raise rent again at the end of the lease and I'm fucked. I had to sell almost everything I owned to move into this place.

My savings are completely gone. I've sold everything I could. My room is just a mattress , my desk and laptop. Honestly if I didn't have my cat I'd live out of my car which sadly sounds like a great option. If I get hurt, really sick, if my car doesn't start one day – that's it. Right there. That's all it will take to push me on the streets, or worse.

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