
I love small businesses, but if you can’t pay cost of living in your area then you can’t afford employees

My boyfriend's boss tried to gaslight him last week by saying labor costs were too high, despite staffing levels being at bare minimum. So basically implying employee wages were too high and discouraging workers from believing they were owed more. This comment about labor costs was made shortly after employees had brought it to attention that they were “accidentally” being paid 50 cents less per hour than agreed when they were hired. I am not buying these coincidences, so I tell him to ask for the data to back up their claims that “labor costs are unsustainable at 51% of total monthly cost to operate”. They got back to him with the numbers and apologized that they had calculated them wrong, labor costs were only at 30%. These owners also refuse to accept customer or employee feedback to improve the business and left the heat broken for all of January…

My boyfriend's boss tried to gaslight him last week by saying labor costs were too high, despite staffing levels being at bare minimum. So basically implying employee wages were too high and discouraging workers from believing they were owed more. This comment about labor costs was made shortly after employees had brought it to attention that they were “accidentally” being paid 50 cents less per hour than agreed when they were hired. I am not buying these coincidences, so I tell him to ask for the data to back up their claims that “labor costs are unsustainable at 51% of total monthly cost to operate”. They got back to him with the numbers and apologized that they had calculated them wrong, labor costs were only at 30%.

These owners also refuse to accept customer or employee feedback to improve the business and left the heat broken for all of January (avg daily temp here was 30F) which I'm sure saved them plenty of money during the month. Fuck your small business if this is how you're running it.

*My bf will be resigning May 1st (peak season for this business) in coordination with r/maydaystrike efforts and his next job opportunity 🙂

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