
Should I walk out on job?

I left a high pressure job as an HR Assistant at a facility with 600 employees. I was the only HR Assistant and I was working all of the time including evenings and weekends. I was there for over ten years and not happy for most of them. I got a new job at a place with only 70 employees and I have not been there a year yet. I'm an HR Assistant here as well. The day shift employees are terrible to me. They joke amongst themselves about how stupid I am. This all stems from one employee who said she felt she had to talk really slow to me for me to understand. I was new and didn't know the answer to her question and I guess that makes me stupid. It's gotten worse and even the supervisors are participating in it. My boss is on vacation and…

I left a high pressure job as an HR Assistant at a facility with 600 employees. I was the only HR Assistant and I was working all of the time including evenings and weekends. I was there for over ten years and not happy for most of them. I got a new job at a place with only 70 employees and I have not been there a year yet. I'm an HR Assistant here as well. The day shift employees are terrible to me. They joke amongst themselves about how stupid I am. This all stems from one employee who said she felt she had to talk really slow to me for me to understand. I was new and didn't know the answer to her question and I guess that makes me stupid. It's gotten worse and even the supervisors are participating in it. My boss is on vacation and today I left work and am working from home because I can't take it any longer. My husband says I need to tell my boss what's going on, but what will that do really? It will make them stop being mean to my face, but they'll still feel the same way if not worse about me. I know I shouldn't care what other people think about me, but I do and I want people to like me. Even though my last job was terrible, the employees were great. They would always come to me with questions or for help. When I left, they told me that I was the only one they could come to for help and how nice I am. People there knew I was smart and knew that I did good work. While I appreciate this job and it got me out of a terrible situation, I don't think I can continue. I'm planning on going back to work tonight and picking up all of my stuff and sending an email quitting without notice. Is this a terrible idea? I spent so many years unhappy at my last job. I don't want to do that again. Is life really just working for corporations where you don't really matter for years and years until you're old and maybe get a few years of retirement? There's got to be more.

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