
A concept for peaceful revolution.

The Underground Railroad should be used as a template for revolutionaries to mimic when it comes to the distribution of goods and services. In a world where necessities aren’t provided by the system, we must organize new and discreet forms of trade that bypass the expected channels that big brother so ruthlessly enforce that leave out so many. The internet provides that potential to trade within our communities. If we create these new and discreet systems than eventually our communities could potentially subvert power back to the people peacefullyand the elites and their money will be rendered obsolete.

The Underground Railroad should be used as a template for revolutionaries to mimic when it comes to the distribution of goods and services. In a world where necessities aren’t provided by the system, we must organize new and discreet forms of trade that bypass the expected channels that big brother so ruthlessly enforce that leave out so many. The internet provides that potential to trade within our communities. If we create these new and discreet systems than eventually our communities could potentially subvert power back to the people peacefullyand the elites and their money will be rendered obsolete.

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