
Contemplating putting my two weeks in.

I currently work as a Shift Lead for the Service Desk of a large tech repair company. I originally joined the company in 2018 as a Service Desk Analyst. At that time I absolutely loved the job and all the great things I learned, relationships I nurtured and the great culture. In 2019 that all changed when we got bought out by a larger company. Slowing over the past 3 years the company has become more and more caustically corporate. It's equated to a lot of suits coming in, not understanding business and trying to force us into a mold we don't fit into. Very much a shoving a square peg into a circle hole situation. My last straw today was when I came to find out that one of my fellows leads had a meeting with our Senior Manager. He proceeded to dangle a promotion over her head until…

I currently work as a Shift Lead for the Service Desk of a large tech repair company.
I originally joined the company in 2018 as a Service Desk Analyst. At that time I absolutely loved the job and all the great things I learned, relationships I nurtured and the great culture.

In 2019 that all changed when we got bought out by a larger company. Slowing over the past 3 years the company has become more and more caustically corporate. It's equated to a lot of suits coming in, not understanding business and trying to force us into a mold we don't fit into. Very much a shoving a square peg into a circle hole situation.

My last straw today was when I came to find out that one of my fellows leads had a meeting with our Senior Manager. He proceeded to dangle a promotion over her head until she essentially drank the corporate koolaid and that her crying when they were awful to her was a sign of weakness. They also said she was too aggressive with other departments when it came to holding them accountable. “Massaging the Male Ego” was also mentioned.

I've been talking myself off the ledge all day from walking out. My mental health is degrading to a tremendous amount at this point and I'm considering putting in my two weeks and going hard on the job search pending a conversation with my wife tonight.

What do you guys think I should do? I'm horribly depressed and anxious every night after I get off work to the point where I can't even enjoy my hobbies anymore. I know my resume speaks for itself and could nab me a job very quickly, but I'm hesitant.

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