
Quitting after 9 1/2 years

I started back in 2012 making 23k a year answering the phones.. mandatory hours 8-6 back then. I make (made) much more now but it is no where near comparable to others in the company who came in after. Or even just what people like me make anywhere. Its gross. I've been referred to as the glue of the company many many times. I just can't take it anymore. These fat cat partners get richer every quarter and I'm barely making it. The stress of the job is unbearable during the summer. I did put in a 2-week notice.. my last day is this Friday. Multiple team members asked me not to leave.. almost begging. My boss asked if I would work “part time” this summer so they can figure out how to handle some of my tasks. I work(ed) in student property management so yeah the storm is coming.…

I started back in 2012 making 23k a year answering the phones.. mandatory hours 8-6 back then. I make (made) much more now but it is no where near comparable to others in the company who came in after. Or even just what people like me make anywhere. Its gross. I've been referred to as the glue of the company many many times. I just can't take it anymore. These fat cat partners get richer every quarter and I'm barely making it. The stress of the job is unbearable during the summer.

I did put in a 2-week notice.. my last day is this Friday. Multiple team members asked me not to leave.. almost begging. My boss asked if I would work “part time” this summer so they can figure out how to handle some of my tasks. I work(ed) in student property management so yeah the storm is coming. I said no. Yeah right part time my ass. And I'd be on the hook for emails and calls with endless questions.. no thank you.

I'm so fucking tired of onboarding your properties and keeping all the shit together. I fucking hate that you use project management dollars on countertops and trendy light fixtures but not on things like submeters or roofs to help tenants and ops. I CANT STAND IT! I AM OUT!!!!!

I will work again but for a little while I am going to take it slow, sleep in, and enjoy my family. While it is difficult financially to step away I need this for my mental health. I am so fucking lucky to have support to make this possible. I will only live one life.. it has to count.

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