
So I got a job today

I had a slew of interviews this week, stressed to all hell with the first of the month coming… my mental health has been shit since March of last year, but today I had an interview and even after going in detail about my skill set they only wanted to give me $12. They advertised up to $17 so I was discouraged and almost took it but then I went to my second interview and I remembered some of the little pointers from here and when I spoke about pay I boldly said $13.50 when the manager looked me in the eye and said $14. Y’all I started crying. $14 might seem like chump change but I started working at $8 at my previous job and busted my ass for five years when they finally gave me $12 but wouldn’t go any higher. I felt so heard and validated. Just…

I had a slew of interviews this week, stressed to all hell with the first of the month coming… my mental health has been shit since March of last year, but today I had an interview and even after going in detail about my skill set they only wanted to give me $12. They advertised up to $17 so I was discouraged and almost took it but then I went to my second interview and I remembered some of the little pointers from here and when I spoke about pay I boldly said $13.50 when the manager looked me in the eye and said $14. Y’all I started crying. $14 might seem like chump change but I started working at $8 at my previous job and busted my ass for five years when they finally gave me $12 but wouldn’t go any higher. I felt so heard and validated. Just wanted to share that. My daughter got diagnosed with epilepsy in February, had her birthday in March and then broke her elbow in April I have generalised anxiety disorder so this is just something I felt like sharing

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