
Ghosted not once but TWICE for an interview.

Title says it all. Received an email from a recruiter with a commercial real estate company here in Texas for a position that I'd be a perfect fit for. Bachelor's degree, 5+ years of applicable experience, plenty of applicable certifications, 80% done with my MBA. We scheduled an interview time with the respective hiring manager and on the day of I patiently waited on Zoom for a meeting that never happened. 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour…no call, no show. They emailed me back the following morning saying that the notification just never made it to the interviewer's desk. Sure. So we schedule a phone call. The hiring manager shows up 11 minute late and the entire time I can hear him snickering to a group of people in the background barely paying attention. On the third question he says “Yeah I don't think this is the job…

Title says it all. Received an email from a recruiter with a commercial real estate company here in Texas for a position that I'd be a perfect fit for. Bachelor's degree, 5+ years of applicable experience, plenty of applicable certifications, 80% done with my MBA. We scheduled an interview time with the respective hiring manager and on the day of I patiently waited on Zoom for a meeting that never happened. 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour…no call, no show. They emailed me back the following morning saying that the notification just never made it to the interviewer's desk. Sure.

So we schedule a phone call. The hiring manager shows up 11 minute late and the entire time I can hear him snickering to a group of people in the background barely paying attention. On the third question he says “Yeah I don't think this is the job for you; that's not really what we do here?” as if I didn't read the job description and other people's stories of that job with the company. He HANGS UP the phone before I could thank him for his time.

A couple weeks of job searching go by. I finally swallow my pride and utilize my stepmom's resources and her friend has a position opening up at the company she works for that I would also be great in. I apply, receive a phone call from a recruiter while taking an exam. Called her back no more than 30 minutes later and she didn't answer. Crap. I missed my window. Eventually after being professionally aggressive enough she calls me back to schedule an interview with their hiring manager.

See where this is going?

We get a Zoom interview scheduled for the day after. She tells me I should be receiving an email confirmation with the link in no more than 15 minutes and to call her back if I don't. Well, I didn't. So I called her. I kept calling her, left a voicemail, did all of that. Never got a call back, never got an email. Found the hiring manager on LinkedIn, reached out to him, nothing. More time and energy spent preparing for an interview I never even received.

I'm so tired of this. I have put myself through 7 years of business school at this point to not even get the time of day for an interview and even when I do, I get laughed at in the background. I'm tired of hearing all of these 40+ year olds saying things like “Your generation is so entitled.” and “If you want a job there are plenty out there hiring.” or “You're just not hustling hard enough.” when I work my butt off just scheduling a legitimate interview to be outright ghosted or ignored or forgotten about. I feel defeated and discouraged if this is how I'm supposed to make a living for the next 40 years. I just want a job to pay the bills and loans I took out so I can work at these kinds of places instead of minimum wage for the rest of my life.

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