
why we have to pay for snacks in the break room now

when i started this job in november, there was always some sort of snack for everyone in the break room. sometimes it was a gesture of appreciation from management, other times just something from a generous coworker. nothing fancy. i didn't always take any but i liked the culture around it and contributed some baked goods at christmas time. my job is minimum wage but has this whole bullshit thing about raising money all the time. it's not even like it's our idea and it's for a seriously bullshit reason. legit, when a coworker works up the nerve to tell the boss they're having a hard time financially, our boss announces at our morning gathering the next day that we're going to start a pledge drive for them. this has happened three times since i was hired on. this time it's because someone's son lost his house in a fire.…

when i started this job in november, there was always some sort of snack for everyone in the break room. sometimes it was a gesture of appreciation from management, other times just something from a generous coworker. nothing fancy. i didn't always take any but i liked the culture around it and contributed some baked goods at christmas time.

my job is minimum wage but has this whole bullshit thing about raising money all the time. it's not even like it's our idea and it's for a seriously bullshit reason. legit, when a coworker works up the nerve to tell the boss they're having a hard time financially, our boss announces at our morning gathering the next day that we're going to start a pledge drive for them. this has happened three times since i was hired on. this time it's because someone's son lost his house in a fire. the way we're raising money now? we have to pay for the snacks in the break room and there's a social committee enforcing it so you can't bring things in for people to have freely anymore.

this store has a budget of 15 million dollars a year. it's budgeted as one of the biggest in the area and the minimum wage workers here are paying for lunch room snacks to help each other barely get by. that's pretty fucked up.

i get the impression the boss thinks we're all just horrible with money. today in the break room, i was talking with another girl about how i bought new glasses. the boss's office is basically in the same room so he could hear everything. i was saying that i didn't even bother looking at the price of the glasses i was choosing because i wanted my own honest opinion of the ones i really liked regardless of how much they cost. i told her that, with all things being equal, i ended up with some designer glasses that were pretty expensive. the boss was getting some water or something at this part in the conversation and was like 'whoah, someone needs to work on budgeting!' you cheap motherfucker, the last time i bought glasses was five years ago. and, hey, how about some insurance coverage?

this guy's such a tool. he comes back into the warehouse, lifts an empty box and thinks he works as hard as we all do back there. he even had the nerve to tell the truck driver at our delivery that he'd been up since 5:30 today. bitch your commute is an hour to work because you live outside this shit town. i was up at 6:00 and walked here, ain't nobody impressed.

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